Flow Release Notes
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New features
Asset Library
- 9819 Asset Library: AssetDetail view
- From the new asset detail view one can now directly share, download, delete, edit or open the asset in the proofing client.
- 9781 Asset Library: View classification/Folder Structure
- Classify assets via tree structures to easily find your data.
- 9775 Select asset in upload draft task
- Select an asset from the asset library instead of uploading a local asset.
- 9772 Asset library: Delete asset
- Delete selected assets
- 9768 Asset library List View
- View all assets in the asset library in a list view.
- 9733 Asset library: Download asset(s) from Asset Library overview
- Download selected assets
- 9659 Asset library: Open asset in the proofing client
- Open selected assets directly in the proofing client
- 9681 Select Assets in asset library
- Selecting assets from the asset library to start on action on the selected assets (like share, or download)
- 9898 Share asset(s) from library
- The share functionality is similar to the download functionality with the significant difference that the user can specify other users (registered and non-registered ones) to share a temporary download link with.
- The share functionality is similar to the download functionality with the significant difference that the user can specify other users (registered and non-registered ones) to share a temporary download link with.
- 9459 Generic final assets export plugin
- We developed a plugin to easily export approved assets to an asset library of your choice.
- 8936 Bulk upload Assets in the Asset Library
- Added support to upload component to support multiple files
- Added support to upload component to support multiple files
- 10084 Project List: Move action icons into dropdownlist with icon+label + add selection dependency
- 10010 My projects / incl projects tasks> change to icons
- 9840 Project list – My vs All view when Project_View_All claim active
- If the “Project_view_all” permission is applied on a user account, all projects are shown in the projects list. We added a toggle to easily filter the projects (My projects vs Team projects)
- 10006 My tasks / incl team tasks > change to icons
- 9919 Persist checkboxes state of Clone Job form
- Using the Job clone functionality, the state of the checkboxes is saved in the browser cache once the form is submitted. When the form is loaded the next time, we reapply the previous checkbox state so the same selection is applied on the checkboxes
- 9841 Job list – My vs All view when Job_View_All claim active
- If the “Job_view_all” permission is applied on a user account, all jobs are shown in the jobs list. We added a toggle to easily filter the jobs (My jobs vs Team jobs)
- 9780 Job overview: bulk action – Edit job briefing
- Edit job briefing for multiple jobs at once
- 9778 Job overview: bulk action – Edit job timing
- Set timing for multiple jobs at once
- 9776 Job list: bulk action – Edit job participants
- Set participants for multiple jobs at once.
- Set participants for multiple jobs at once.
- 9779 Job list: bulk action – Edit job details
- Allow editing the metadata values for multiple jobs at once, as long the values to be set are same across the selected jobs.
- Allow editing the metadata values for multiple jobs at once, as long the values to be set are same across the selected jobs.
- 9644 Briefing Feedback Summary missing in Job details
- The task feedback summary has been added in an easy consultable way to the job details so the user has a quick and clean overview of the task and related files with their optional notes.
- 9661 Button Feedback summary: convert to iframe
- Feedback summary is now displayed inline instead of hidden behind a button.
Job details
- 9821 Move action icons into dropdownlist
- Improving the end user efficiency in FLOW, by allowing them to have possible required actions available with minimal effort and keeping a clean user interface.
- 9783 Job level files – Added annotations table
- Notes can be added to files saved on job level; now these notes can be seen directly in the Activity overview.
- Notes can be added to files saved on job level; now these notes can be seen directly in the Activity overview.
- 10089 Develop: Task List: Move action icons into dropdownlist with icon+label + add selection dependency
- 10005 My tasks / incl team tasks > change to icons
- 9889 Task list: bulk complete – Briefing / Briefing validation tasks
- Bulk completion of active tasks.
- 9891 Task list: bulk upload to UploadDraft / UploadFinal
- Upload files for multiple tasks at once.
- 971 Add area “Required if rejected” to task pages
- Briefing validation task has a configurable area “_requiredifrejected” where metadata can be added that is required to have a value upon action ‘reject’. This functionality has been extended to the quality check, invite proofers, proof draft, invite recipient and confirm recipient tasks.
- 9839 Task list – My vs All view when Task_View_All claim active
- If the “Task_View_All” permission is applied on a user account, all tasks are shown in the task list. We added a toggle to easily filter the tasks (My tasks vs Team tasks)
General functionality
- 9809 Metadata type: MaskedTextBox
- Allows you to get user input while ensuring valid entry of specific formats.
- 9774 Extending global search
- The global search has been extended, making it easier to search for jobs, tasks, files and assets.
- 9757 Custom menu item
- A custom menu entry can be added, configured with a URL that redirects to an external or internal page, enabling users to directly jump to other webapps.
- 9650 Manage Account: Add personalia fields and reorder/group fields
- 9647 Add label for archived values in toggle list
- 9404 Roles management – Grid view improvement
- The roles now gives a a quick insight what kind of claims are set on a role.
Proofing Client
- #37429 New: Proofscope can now show/hide parts of separations that use a certain screening
- #50885 New: The Multi-Channel view option, which displays each channel in a separate view, is now available without restriction.
Asset Library
- 9782 Optimize icon styling
- The action icons in the Asset Library have been optimized.
- 9836 Improve validation messages
- Based on certain assets selections, invalid selections are possible. Added validation messages to inform the user.
- “You are trying to open 3D files in combination with other filetypes, only the supported 2D files will be opened.”
- “You are trying to open an unsupported filetype, only the supported files will be opened.”
- Based on certain assets selections, invalid selections are possible. Added validation messages to inform the user.
- 10077 ProjectRequest Details: only reload the data of the page.
- Performance improvement
- 9688 Project state to be Cancelled in specific use case
- The project status is now set to cancelled when deleting the last actionable job if all other jobs are cancelled.
- 10107 Job – Bulk job edit : Add informative message on selected jobs
- 10108 Job – Bulk job briefing: Add informative message on selected jobs
- 10109 Job – Bulk edit job participant: Add informative message on selected jobs
- 9688 Project state to be Cancelled in specific use case
- The project status is now set to cancelled when deleting the last actionable job if all other jobs are cancelled.
Job Details
- 10076 Job Details: only reload the data of the page.
- Performance improvement
- 9977 Thumbnail Generator: Implement Application Insights as sink for logging
- Logging optimization.
- 9967 Shorter caching for preview/thumbnail placeholder, longer caching for final preview/thumbnail
- Preview cache optimization.
- 9822 IC3 thumbnail generation
- As IC3 files are uploaded, FLOW will generate a preview of the image to use as thumbnail or preview
- 9626 Thumbnail generation: creating preview for unsupported files
General functionality
- 10122 Dashboard: add localization for text labels
- 10121 Update documentation
- 10099 Add missing localization fields: Manage Account + NotificationSubscriptions + others
- 10081 GridDataService: improve how validation error messages are parsed and displayed
- 10074 EditFormWithValidation: Add RemoteModelLoaded EventCallback.
- 10069 Add a exception catcher to blazor pages/components to display all messages from thrown exceptions
- 10013 MaskedTextBox – Add option “Include Literals”
- 10011 Spacing between action buttons
- Interface improvement
- 9984 MetadataViewModel: Optimize query for ReadOnly metadata area
- Performance improvement
- 9915 Build acceleration for local development
- Performance improvement
- 9881 Improve performance of .JoinMetadataValue extensions
- Performance improvement
- 9851 Memory usage of EFLocalizationService.GetAllStrings()
- Memory usage optimization.
- 9820 Disable Proofscope gallery mode.
- Security improvement.
- 9811 SQL optimization Search query
- Overall performance increasement
- 9799 Optimize: return async stream for /file/downloadbulk endpoint
- Increases the performance when downloading assets.
- 9764 Segment management UI
- Time reduction when managing segments.
- 9702 Project Preview pane – Set CookieState
- Keeping the preview toggle on with the choosen position (horizontal/vertical view).
- 9701 TaskReminder Background service: Convert to Hangfire BackgroundJob
- 9693 Filedownload endpoint : SAS links
- Increases the performance when downloading assets.
- 9692 Add title to overview lists
- 9690 MagicLink expiration days is now configurable
- 10113 JobType Create: Exception on submit when including a workflow image
- 10100 AssetLibrary Share: Direct Download not working
- 10092 AssetExporter.ExportAsset and AssetZipService: Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException or other failure
- 10090 Job wizard : Localization not applied
- 10091 JobSetup>CreateDraft: jobtype workflow image not loading
- 10019 Exception when opening completed task: OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Fault.ProcessNotFoundException
- 10017 Schedule Absence: Double reassigned task assignment doesn’t store the correct OriginalUserId
- 10016 UploadDraft: Select Asset from library – Selecting other asset returns error
- 10012 AssetDetail : Edit : Double click to save
- 10008 Error thrown when asset lib plugin is disabled
- 10004 Project toggle not working
- 10003 Preview zip missing in Job details Activity tab
- 9996 AssetExporter: Unable to resolve dependencies for ExportService on Shared staging (multi-tenant)
- 9976 AssetZipService.CreateZip fails: content.Position must be less than content.Length.
- 9975 ThumbnailGenerator: No preview/thumbnail generated for Ic3 file
- 9973 Metadata Grid: Exception when adding a new entry to an empty grid
- 9970 Discussion plugin: Error message on project details page
- 9962 ProofScope: change file extension ic3d to ic3
- 9946 Job overview: bulk action – Edit job details > localization text issue
- 9917 TaskCanceled logged by ErrorHandler
- 9912 TaskInfo Briefing Pdf Export: Error when BriefingModal contains GridMetadata
- 9906 Job Details > Activity tab: Job Level Files that are not supported by proofing client show the annotations table
- 9892 Asset library: Bulk download error as AssetZipService.CreateZip failed
- 9876 Job list: Export All – net_http_request_timedout, 100
- 9838 Role Edit page: Permission claims no longer can be saved
- 9835 AssetLibraryFlow: Open unsupported asset > validation message colour should be red
- 9833 AssetLibraryFlow: Download multiple assets throws error
- 9831 Project / Job tabs incorrect information in search result column : Project number = draft.
- 9830 Jobs tab displays incorrect job nr
- 9829 Projects tab displays the same project multiple times
- 9817 Confirm reciept task: Task completed, still showing “pending” icon
- 9812 PluginSettings: Viewcomponents not rendered
- 9808 Metadata type Text – Regex not applied
- 9807 InviteRecipientsTask: disabled users in Users list
- 9876 Jobs : Error on export all to excel due to timeout
- 9817 Confirm reciept task: Task completed, still showing “pending” icon
- 9794 Blazor: Front-end error Arg_NullReferenceException when opening a task page
- 9793 Blazor: Front-end errors when using google translate in chrome
- 9788 CBFlow – Job wizard – Job information step keeps spinning
- 9753 Projects : grid state is overwritten when switching between “show completed” and “show active” views
- 9752 Global search redrawing issue
- 9751 TaskList – Export All pages returns empty page
- 9747 ProofTask: Notes readonly after accepted Quality check
- 9739 Task feedback summary: same comment in each revision shown
- 9718 Hangfire: TaskReminder job fails on QA (Sequence contains no matching element)
- 9717 ProjectFlow-DevBuild pipeline: build failed
- 9682 Default timing: empty entry saved
- 9676 Reference metadata: selected file not saved
- 9643 TaskInfo_ProofDraft vs TaskInfo_ProofFile
- 9626 Thumbnail generation: Stop creating preview for unsupported files
- 8544 Multiselect dropdown is displayed behind other metadata fields